Saturday, 23 August 2014

The Mystery Of The Wrecked Ship

Mr. bronzebeared

Chapter- 2

I also fund a trace of a blood stain on the sharp edge of a rock it was looking like that Lord Count was killed by that rock or you can say by smashing his body on rock. The Beecon land site did not gave me any clue about the murder; the most amusing part of the story was that there was no wrecked ship on the shore. Just when I was investigating the stain someone called me “Young man what are you doing in this desolate place you will not find any treasure here” (I always giggle on this line when I tell this story to anyone.) Well it was a old man who called me. “No I will not find anything here accept the clue of the cold murder” I said in a funny way as the man was looking in bad mood. “You seem to be a good man my name is William Bronzebeared, I am a treasure hunter of tribal clan” he said. “That explains that why you know that there is no treasure in this area.” I said. “ But I didn’t get this that why you are here on this beccon land there is nothing special about this area except that murder and crashed ship” he said. “That murder is the thing that interests me around here because I am a detective” I replied. “Oh I see, then you must be tired wandering around here, if you want you can have some tea at my place” he said.

    We went to his place, it was not very far from the shore it was hut where he lived and barbequed the very boars that roamed or trespassed his place. When we were having the tea I asked to him-“Mr. William can you tell me something about the accident and that wrecked ship” I asked. “Well of course, the ship was an old giant oil transporter with may be around 35 working staff.  I was here only when I saw that thing accelerating towards the shore and then it just crashed with the upper cliff although there was no oil in that ship but the members and the whole ship disappeared that cold night” he explained. “But I didn’t get one thing that how the whole ship vanished with the staff” I asked to him. “Yes the mystery young men I was only able to see the ship to crash not any more even the murder of that man Count was very mysterious. “Thank you old man now I must leave” I said while getting out of his house. I was only able to get some information about the ship, but after all I got something that the mystery of the ship will only be solved if I solve the mystery of the disappearance.